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INVITATION to The White Tara Empowerment and Initiation with Tibetan Lama Dawa to pray to remove obs

Tinh Dung Victoria Nguyen

Date: Saturday 23, 30 September & 7 October year 2017

Time: 1:00 PM - 3 PM

Location: Light of Buddha Temple,

9452 Dewey Dr., Garden Grove, CA 92841, USA

Please park on Gilbert Avenue

For information, contact Victoria @ 714 369 0702 or email

White Tara - Goddess of Compassion

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punye--Jana Pustim Kuru Soha

White Tara is the goddess of compassion. Her love heals the at the source of dis-ease, bringing health, strength, longevity and beauty.

White Tara is a goddess which embodies the spirit of Compassion. She wears the Bodhisattva ornaments. A Bodhisatva vow is to continue to return to this world until the enlightenment of allsentient beings. The White Tara "Wow" is to know her love... to know love... and the inate desire that arises from love which is to share love with all, recognizing our oneness. The Rainbow Body practice is often identified with her. The white of her light when put through the prism of this life shines through as a rainbow, representing the diversity of all life. She is the experience of oneness of all colors, all beings and her love and compassion for all comes from loving herself which is all. She has seven eyes, the two usual ones, one in the middle of her forehead and eyes in her hands and feet. This symbolizes that all of her activities are done with omniscient awareness. She is said to bring health and prolong life. Operating from the space of this compassionate love generates a long and fulfilling life.

Benefits of and Reasons for Seeking White Tara Initiation

You might have obstacles in your life that could cause your untimely death. If the obstacles are due to your good karma and merit being exhausted, then in order to prolong your life now and to have longevity in future lives, you need to practice powerful ways to collect a lot of merit, such as taking long life initiations, reciting the mantras of long life deities, saving the lives of animals and people, offering medicine to people and taking care of sick people, offering food, clothing and shelter to the poor people.

If the obstacles in your life and untimely death are due to negative karma, the solution is to purify it. You can also make butter lamp (light) offerings to the Triple Gem. Butter lamp offerings help you develop Dharma wisdom and clairvoyance due to their nature of dispelling the darkness around holy objects.

White Tara is extremely powerful. Tara is very close to sentient beings, like a mother to her children. She is very quick to fulfill our wishes and to grant us happiness and a long life, as well as to help us develop wisdom. By taking refuge in Tara and practicing meditation, visualizations, and having faith, you have the power to remove obstacles to your life and to prolong your life.

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© 2017 Nimbus Compassion Foundation TIKLÉ NYINGJÉ: ཐིག་ལེ་སྙིང་རྗེ།

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